Graduate student presenting research at CRIDC poster competition

CRIDC 2023 Poster Competition

Wednesday, February 1

Poster competitions give graduate students an opportunity to practice and improve their communication skills. Participants in the competitions will present their research posters to a nontechnical audience. Winners will receive travel grants, ranging in value from $1,000-$2,000, that can be used to cover expenses related to research trips or travel to other conferences (domestic or international).


VentureLab's 2023 Innovation Competition

Tuesday, January 31

Can you explain how your research might lead to an innovative, impactful product or service — in three minutes or less? If so, submit your application for the CRIDC 2023 Innovation Competition, sponsored by VentureLab of Georgia Tech’s Office of Commercialization.

The Innovation Competition, to be held on campus on Tuesday, January 31, is open to Georgia Tech MS and PhD students who are excited about the commercial potential of their research. Up to ten finalists will offer three-minute presentations to a panel of judges, followed by a brief Q&A, to explain their research, its applications, and its potential markets.

The winner will receive a $1000 prize and an invitation to participate in VentureLab Launch, a summer program providing training, support, and funding in commercialization to GT research teams. Two runners-up will each receive $500 prizes.

Applications are due by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, January 17, 2023.