Created by the Office of Graduate Education, the Grad Buzz is Georgia Tech’s email newsletter for graduate students. Each issue features news and event information from on-campus sources geared toward graduate students enrolled in Tech’s wide variety of programs. To determine what type of content will be given priority, we asked graduate students which topics they are most interested in reading about. With that said, each issue features the following types of information:
- Programs/resources/initiatives
- Funding opportunities
- Career and professional development
- Events (open to students from a variety of programs)
Publication Schedule
The Grad Buzz is delivered to all enrolled graduate students every other week on Wednesdays, with the exception of Institute holidays and in November, December, and the summer (May to July) when it will be sent once per month. Read the news/event submission tips.
2022: July 6; Aug. 10 and 24; Sept. 7 and 21; Oct. 5 and 19; Nov. 2 and 16; Dec. 7
2023: Jan. 11 and 25; Feb. 8 and 22; March 8 and 22; April 5 and 19; May 3; June 7; July 5; August 9 and 23