We will discuss what is in and out of your control with the job search, how to find your fit, and how to create a career action plan.
This workshop will provide tips for success for both online and in-person technical interviews.
Graduate Career Advisor and Licensed Career Counselor Elaine Damon will provide advice on how to communicate what you can offer to potential employers.
Learn the basics of writing a resume - what is it, what you should include, how you can organize it, and more!
In this workshop you will learn how to maximize your job search in CareerBuzz and tips and tricks on using the system effectively.
This workshop will help you learn how to negotiate for a higher salary and what you should consider when evaluating a job offer.
Join this webinar to learn how to juggle interviewing and considering offers from multiple companies - from what to say and when, to evaluating the merits of each and making an informed choice.
Learn how to develop a job search strategy that builds on Career Center staples (resume, cover letter, interviewing techniques, LinkedIn, and networking).
This workshop teaches you the standards of each document type to better help graduate students prepare for a variety of job opportunities.
This workshop focuses on how to be ready for any interview, including behavioral and technical interviews. Join to learn how to identify and highlight your relevant experience, skills, and capabilities throughout the interview.