Designing Learning-based Adversarial Attacks and Defensive Methods to Wireless Communication Systems
Sponsored by the Office of Graduate Education and OIT
The 2023 Graduate Student Experience Survey is your chance to play an essential role in shaping the future of Georgia Tech. 
Resonance-Based Series Compensating Fault Current Limiters
Exploration of Ultra-thin Alumina Ribbon Ceramic Substrate for 5G and mm-Wave Applications
Path-based Differential Algorithm and Graph Theory-based Analysis on Neuroimaging Data
Integrated Microwave Photonics for Aerospace Systems
2023 Haley Fellows (clockwise from top left) Jessica Deutsch, Quynh Nguyen, Eliza Gazda, Sydney Popsuj, Jose Luis Ramirez-Colon, Sidney Scott-Sharoni.jpg
The College of Sciences graduate students were chosen as 2023-24 Herbert P. Haley Fellowships for their research and academic achievements
Nucleotide-binding Mismatch Detection via Interrogation of the Transient Current Signal During Hybridization
Perfect your poster with these 6 tips from an experienced presenter and judge.