Graphic for the annual EPICenter Spark Award.
Graphic for the annual EPICenter Spark Award.

The Spark Award is given to current Georgia Tech graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in advancing student engagement with energy research and with evidence of broader impacts and service/leadership.

The Energy, Policy, and Innovation Center and the Strategic Energy Institute have released the 2022 call for applications for the annual Spark Award. The Spark Award is given to current Georgia Tech graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in advancing student engagement with energy research at Georgia Tech with evidence of broader impacts and service/leadership.

Eligibility Requirements - Applicants must be:

  • Graduate students in good standing
  • Making satisfactory progress towards the completion of their program of study at Georgia Tech
  • U.S. citizens

Interested students should send an application package to Sharon Murphy at the Strategic Energy Institute by Friday, October 28th, 2022.

The application packet should include:

  • Your full name
  • Your GTID
  • Enrollment status (Masters, PhD) and expected year of graduation
  • Energy area of interest and name of advisor
  • One page essay describing your motivation for studying energy topics, a description of your leadership activities related to energy research (mentoring, clubs, etc.), and a brief justification of why you think you should be the 2022 Spark Awardee
  • One page letter of recommendation from GT faculty mentor

* The 2022 Spark Award is $1,000.00.
** Number of awards is variable, depending on funding.