Georgia Tech awards and coordinates numerous student fellowships – varying in value from a few hundred dollars that may be awarded on top of other funding such as an assistantship, to full fellowships that cover tuition, fees and pay a stipend.

Institute-level fellowships are managed by the Office of Graduate Education and paid via the Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid and the Office of the Bursar. Most fellowships are awarded and nominated internally by schools, not by Graduate Education nor the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. There are also many school-level fellowships which are handled separately by individual academic departments.

The Office of Graduate Education administers institute-funded fellowships such as the President’s Fellowship and the Georgia Tech Institute Fellowship, and many others. For example, we manage externally funded programs such as the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program, Ford Foundation and Department of Energy fellowships. We work with colleges to facilitate internal competitions for ARCS Foundation Atlanta scholars, and nomination processes for Dolores Zohrab Liebmann, Gilliam fellowship for Advanced Study and Schmidt Science Fellows. We also work with Academic Deans from individual Colleges to facilitate selection processes for donor-initiated fellowships.

The following information is meant to help you better understand the fellowship and funding opportunities available to you.

Fellowships vs. Scholarships


  • Usually awarded for doctoral research.
  • Merit-based; not need-based.
  • Funding is typically meant to be used for tuition and fees but is sometimes discretionary for student awardees to use as they see fit.
  • Often come with a stipend.


  • Awarded to students based on academic achievements, financial need, or a combination of both.
  • Usually merit-based; sometimes need-based.
  • Generally, funding must be applied directly to tuition and other related expenses.
  • Do not include stipends.

Fellowship Opportunities

There are a variety of fellowship opportunities available to graduate students. The awards listed in this section are only a selection of those available.

Unless otherwise noted, many of the awards listed in this section are open only to U.S. citizens and/or U.S. residents. It is challenging for international students to secure fellowships because many are funded by the U.S. government and/or come with a U.S. citizenship requirement.

Be sure to search online utilizing the resources and databases below and ask professionals in your field for additional options.

NSF GRFP Applicants and Awardees

If you are interested in applying for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) or if you have already received this fellowship, please consult the following:

All Disciplines

Fellowship NameDescription/EligibilityDeadline
Dolores Zohrab Liebmann FellowshipFunds advanced education and graduate study; open to all disciplines. Students may not apply directly but must be nominated by Georgia Tech via internal submission.December/January
Laura Bassi ScholarshipProvides editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed; scholarships open to every discipline.Rolling; 3 per year, Winter, Spring, Summer

Education & Humanities

Fellowship NameDescription/EligibilityDeadline
Knowles Science Teaching Fellowships for STEM High School Teachers

Supports early-career, high school mathematics and science teachers.

For more information, contact Susan Belmonte,

National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship ProgramSupports scholars undertaking research relevant to the improvement of education.October
National Endowment for the HumanitiesSupports individuals pursuing advanced research in the humanities.April
Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Doctoral & Dissertation Awards

The SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program offers two awards to students who are pursuing Ph.D.s and plan to become college and university professors.


For Immigrants and Children of Immigrants

Fellowship NameDescription/Eligibility
P.D. Soros Fellowship for New Americans

30 fellowships will be available for immigrants and children of immigrants.

Each fellow receives up to $90,000 over two years.

For International Students

Fellowship NameDescription/Eligibility
China Scholarship Council Graduate Scholarship ProgramUp to 70 scholarships will be available for Ph.D. study to candidates who are citizens and permanent residents of the People’s Republic of China at the time of applying for entry for the academic year.
Domenica Rea D’Onofrio Fellowship

Student must be a native and Italian citizen, and a graduate of an accredited Italian undergraduate institution of higher learning.

Preference is given to students from Pomigliano D'Arco, Naples Italy; the University of Naples, Italy; or the region of Campania, Italy.

Disbursements are administered by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. For questions, email

Russian Global Education ProgramFunds full-time post-graduate studies for Russian citizens in the areas of science, engineering, medicine, education and management in social sphere.

For Underrepresented and Minority Students

Fellowship NameDescription/EligibilityDeadline
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) Public Policy Fellowship Program December
Ford Foundation FellowshipsMust be committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level in the U.S. 
GEM Master’s and Ph.D. Fellowships for Underrepresented Students

Must be in engineering or computer science program at the time of application.

Goizueta Foundation Fellowship at Georgia TechTo attract and promote exceptional graduate students of Hispanic/Latinx origin who are interested in pursuing their Ph.D. at Georgia Tech.March
GT UCEM PhD Scholar ApplicationOpen to Georgia Tech Ph.D. students who are U.S. citizens in the College of Engineering, College of Computing, or College of Sciences.August 8th, 2022
NIH Diversity Predoctoral FellowshipFellowship support for research training in the biomedical research workforce. 

For Women

Fellowship NameDescription/EligibilityDeadline
AAUW InternationalAvailable for graduate and postgraduate studies.November 15
Google Anita Borg Memorial ScholarshipFor women in technology. 
IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme

For women in the nuclear field.

Provides highly motivated female students with scholarships for master's programs and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

September 30
PEO Scholarship

Application is made through the student’s graduate coordinator, who must nominate the student.

The $15,000 scholarship is for advanced women graduate students who are enrolled in a doctoral-level degree program, and who are U.S. citizens and within two years of completing an academic program (with at least one full academic year remaining).

The scholarship is not need-based.

  • The Georgia Tech PEO nomination is due in early October.
  • Call for nominations will appear in Graduate Education announcements in September.

Georgia Tech Institute-Funded Fellowships

Fellowship NameDescription/Eligibility
President’s FellowshipOffered annually to a select number of highly qualified U.S. citizens or permanent residents who pursue doctoral degrees.
Georgia Tech Institute FellowshipGeorgia Tech's most prestigious fellowship for graduate students; awarded to a small, select number of President's Fellowship recipients.

Government & Policy

Fellowship NameDescription/Eligibility
AAAS Science and Technology Policy FellowshipsProvides opportunities for outstanding scientists and engineers to learn first-hand about federal policymaking while using their knowledge and skills to address today’s most pressing societal challenges.
Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship

Designed to engage early career individuals in the analytical processes that inform U.S. science and technology policy.

Fellows spend 12 weeks at the National Academies in Washington, D.C., learning about science and technology policy, and the role that scientists and engineers play in advising the nation.

Georgia Tech Federal Jackets Fellowship

Taken one of the following courses prior to applying for program: HIST 2111, 2112, POL 1101, INTA 1200, PUBP 3000 or its equivalent.

Open to graduate students in all majors.

Must be a returning student and enrolled in classes for the semester following your internship.

Presidential Management FellowshipThe federal government's flagship leadership development program for advanced degree holders across all academic disciplines.

Human/Environmental Health

Fellowship NameDescription/EligibilityDeadline
Agency for Healthcare Research and QualityProvides Ph.D. students with grants and opportunities in health services research. 
Eli Lilly and Company Visiting Scientist FellowshipFor relevant Ph.D. or Master’s degree graduates with cross-functional exposure to commercial, clinical development and project management, health outcomes, medical affairs and regulatory affairs aspects of drug development.September
Interdisciplinary and Health & Environment Leadership Development (IHE-LeaD) at Georgia TechFor those working in a field related to human health and/or environmental health, or any closely related field that aims to translate evidence-based data into public action.May
National Institutes of Health (NIH)Additional information available at NIH Graduate Partnerships Program. 

Language Study

Fellowship NameDescription/EligibilityDeadline
Boren Fellowships for Graduate Students

For those interested in adding a foreign language component to their graduate education.

Please reference eligibility requirements.

Critical Language Scholarship ProgramStudents spend eight to ten weeks abroad studying one of 15 critical languages. 
Fulbright Program, Critical Language Enhancement AwardAvailable in some languages in some countries. 

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Fellowship NameDescription/EligibilityDeadline
Accessibility, Rehabilitation, and Movement Science (ARMS) FellowshipAn interdisciplinary traineeship program in human-centered robotics. 
Apple AI/ML Scholars

For those advancing the field of machine learning and AI. 

Student must be nominated by Georgia Tech via internal submission.

ARCS Scholar Award

PhD students who show exceptional promise of making a significant contribution to the worldwide advancement of science and technology.

Student/Adviser are selected by Georgia Tech via internal submission.

Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate FellowshipOpen to first-year graduate students. 
Department of Energy Science Graduate Student Research Program


Google PhD Fellowship

Recognizes outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields.

Student must be nominated by Georgia Tech via internal submission.

Graduate Fellowships for STEM Diversity

Fellowship for graduate students pursuing broad areas of STEM (mathematics, chemistry, computer science, data science, physics, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, material science, biomedical engineering, etc.).

Provides an opportunity to do a paid internship at national laboratories like NSA or NIST. 

Hertz Foundation Graduate FellowshipOpen to first-year graduate students intending to pursue a Ph.D. 
HHMI Gilliam Fellowship for Advanced Study

For adviser-student pairs who work in biomedical sciences, life sciences, or biological questions in related disciplines. 

Student/Adviser must be nominated by Georgia Tech via internal submission.

IBM Fellowship Awards Program

Student must be nominated by doctoral faculty.

This award is open to international students.

Meta Research PhD Fellowship

Supports doctoral students engaged in innovative research in areas related to computer science and engineering. 

No citizenship restrictions.

National Defense Science and Engineering Grants December
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP)

Open to first-year graduate students or first-semester second year students in STEM majors.

See above for further resources – including guidance for those applying; eligibility quiz and information for new and current NSF GRFP fellows. 

Quad FellowshipFor exceptional American, Japanese, Australian, and Indian master’s and doctoral students in STEM to study in the United States.June
Schmidt Science Fellows

For recent PhD graduates who wish to pursue a research pivot representing a genuine and innovative disciplinary departure from their PhD studies.

Student must be nominated by Georgia Tech via internal submission.

Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Fellowships

Funding from the Department of Defense (DOD) for STEM master’s or Ph.D. students.

Requires DOD work for each year funded.


Study Abroad

Fellowship NameDescription/EligibilityDeadline
Churchill ScholarshipOne-year of study at the University of Cambridge for an MPhil (Master of Philosophy) or MASt (Master of Advanced Study)Nominations: November
Confucius China Studies Program

For Sinology, China Studies, or related humanity and social sciences work at one of 15 Chinese Universities.

Open to students who are not Chinese citizens.

February 28

Fulbright Awards

Apply while working on master’s degree or in the early stages of working on your Ph.D. (first three years of the program).

Open to all fields.

See the Career Center website for more information.

Campus deadline:

  • July 1 for essay drafts
  • Aug. 1 for the complete online application
Gates Cambridge ScholarshipTo-do full-time study at the University of Cambridge for Ph.D., MPhil/MLitt, or one year postgraduate courseVaries
Marshall Sherfield Fellowships

Complete a one or two-year postdoc anywhere in the United Kingdom (UK).

Must have letter of invitation and a minimum 3.7 GPA for all degrees separately.

Must be in STEM field.

Apply in early October the fall before completing a Ph.D.
Rhodes Scholarship

Full financial support to pursue degree(s) at the University of Oxford in the UK

Age limit 24 or age 28 if undergrad degree earned within last two years



Fellowship NameDescription/Eligibility
Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship ProgramOpen to international students if their bachelor’s degree is from a U.S. institution.

Fellowships Databases

Georgia Tech Fellowships Database

Most fellowships are largely tied to doctoral research, and many are heavily focused on STEM disciplines. There are more limited fellowship and funding options for master’s level students and programs. If you are a master’s level student, or are considering a master’s level program, you may be more likely to secure a fellowship if you are pursuing a research-based master’s degree.

We recommend students to explore fellowship opportunities available for a wide range of degree levels, disciplines, program types, etc., by accessing the Georgia Tech fellowship database.

Georgia Tech Career Center Fellowships Database

Peer Institution Fellowship Databases

Peer institutions offer fellowship databases which students can use to filter by your circumstances and interests. Please disregard those opportunities that are specific to enrollment at those universities.

Other External Fellowship Databases

Fellowship Announcements

  • Many fellowships are internally selected or nominated by a student’s faculty advisor or department.
  • Graduate Education will circulate announcements to specific academic units, entire colleges, or campuswide.
  • Some competitions will be listed within Georgia Tech’s InfoReady Review platform.
  • Other announcements will first be circulated to the Graduate Coordinator’s email distribution list and then forwarded to students, as applicable.
  • Students are also notified of funding opportunities via announcements in the biweekly GradBuzz e-newsletter that goes out to all currently enrolled graduate students.

Preparing Fellowship Applications

Fellowship and Scholarship Resources