Title: Optimizing Multi-Objective Task Allocation under Spatio-Temporal Constraints for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems​

Date: Friday, December 6th 

Time: 11:30 am - 1 pm EST

Location: (In person) Klaus 2108, 

             (Virtual) https://gatech.zoom.us/my/jinwoop?pwd=OFJhVTcwNGI3ZW1YdERzWHgrUzZIZz09




Effective coordination of multi-robot teams is essential for achieving goals through improved efficiency

and robustness, demanding careful reasoning in task allocation, scheduling, and motion planning. However,

addressing these interdependent problems simultaneously increases complexity, making it challenging to find

an optimal solution. The proposed thesis examines a time-extended heterogeneous multi-robot task allocation

framework designed to achieve multiple objectives under numerous constraints in probabilistic and dynamic

settings. To that end, we introduce a framework that employs statistical tests to account for trait uncertainties

in both robots and tasks, offering a theoretical guarantee for the resulting solution while also accommodating

tighter temporal constraints. Furthermore, we propose an approach to handle dynamic traits which evolve

over time. By incorporating the notion of depletion and trait provision rates, the time required to complete

tasks varies based on coalition composition, thus enabling a more accurate estimation of makespan. The

proposed research seeks to integrate task prioritization and leverage control barrier functions to ensure the

collision-free execution of tasks by robot coalitions. We also aim to explore the impact of human preference on

human-robot collaboration, which has applications in smart factories and warehouse environments. Lastly, we

propose a reactive framework for a dynamic environment, balancing feasibility and time efficiency.




Dr. Seth Hutchinson (Advisor)

School of Interactive Computing

Georgia Institute of Technology


Dr. Sonia Chernova

School of Interactive Computing

Georgia Institute of Technology


Dr. Harish Ravichandar

School of Interactive Computing

Georgia Institute of Technology


Dr. Matthew Hale

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology


Dr. Nicholas Roy

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Massachusetts Institute of Technology