Can I change my response to the "Waive my right to access this recommendation" option in the application?
Since a recommender will see your decision to waive/not waive when they access the form, the response to the waiver question can influence a recommender's recommendation or decision to even submit one.
- If you waived your right to review, you cannot change your decision after the recommender has received the recommendation notification, and you will not be provided a copy of the recommendation.
- If you do not waive your right to review, you will receive a copy of the letter(s) 30 days after the start of the semester to which you applied if you submitted and paid the application. You can change your decision from "do not waive" to "waive" by contacting the Office of Graduate Education staff to update your response. Please click on the "I have a question" button at the bottom of this page to submit a request.