What documents do I need to provide to prove eligibility for in-state tuition? How do I submit them?
Independent Student (age 24 and older): Customarily, we may ask for any combination of your Georgia driver’s license or ID card, your voter registration card, your most recent State tax return (GA-500 form), and/or a lease/mortgage statement that places you in Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months prior to your first day of classes.
Dependent Students (under age 24): - We may ask for any combination of your parent’s most recent State tax return (GA-500 form), a Section B form (which we will provide), and/or a lease/mortgage statement that places your parent in Georgia for at least 12 consecutive months prior to your first day of classes.
Emancipated Students (under age 24): We usually ask for the same documents or combination thereof as is customary for Independent Students noted above. Additional documentation may be required to prove your emancipated status.